Thursday, May 07, 2009

New Testament in New England

I'm excited about this summer. In early June, I'll make another one of my trips to Connecticut.

My employers provide me a week's worth of professional development. So next month, on a Monday through Friday, I'll be taking a course at Yale Divinity School. This year, it's "Romans" with Harold Attridge, a first-rate New Testament scholar and the Dean of YDS. Should be good.

Then, that weekend, I'll get to take Ben back to Kent, Connecticut, for this year's Northeastern States Men's Retreat. If you guys have the opportunity to make this one, it's well worth it.


Anonymous said...

Seems like he knows a little something about Hebrews as well!

Leland V said...

Sounds like this should be a great week; both in New Haven and in Kent. I think I only had one opportunity to go to the men's retreat, but have great memories of that weekend. Seems like I had been somewhere on duty and showed up for Friday evening in my Navy uniform.

Say hello to Ben for us.

Frank Bellizzi said...

Matt, yes that is a fine commentary on Hebrews by Attridge. He's scheduled to do the Gospel of John volume for Hermeneia as well. One thing about Attridge is that he knows the field of OT too. He's very well read.


As you can guess, I so look forward to that time. It will be nice to be back in New Haven. And the men's retreat is a truly unique event. Ben especially likes the singing (and, yes, food too).

Matthew said...

Wow, that sounds like a super cool trip. Have fun.