Friday, October 09, 2009

Biblical Hebrew at Amarillo College

It's official. I got the letter about three weeks ago. Here's the Reader's Digest condensed version:

At the September 18, 2009 meeting, the Academic Affairs Committee reviewed and approved your request to add the following courses to the Amarillo College course inventory:

RELG 2311: Biblical Hebrew I

RELG 2312: Biblical Hebrew II

Yea! I'm so relieved and excited. This is something I've been working toward for a long time. More later. I've got to get ready for class.


  1. It was great seeing you last week. Congrats on the Hebrew classes!

  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Congratulations upon a dream come true for you!

  3. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Congratulations on a dream come true!

  4. Chloe Bellizzi3:23 PM

    Congrats Dad! I know you're really excited about it so call me and tell me about it sometime! Love, Chloe

  5. Sounds great.
    Congratulations brother on the class. I pray all goes well! :-)

  6. The class must be keeping you busy since you haven't posted in a while. I would take the class if I still lived in your area. I've never had a Hebrew class; only Greek. Sounds like you're having an all around busy semester. A good thing for the Bible chair.

  7. Wade,

    You guessed it. Including the Wednesday-night class at church, I'm teaching six courses this semester. Not to mention the one I'm taking at West Texas A&M. It's on the history of England in the Middle Ages. Great stuff. Thanks for dropping by.
