Thursday, June 18, 2009

Considering Calvin

Over the next few days, I'll have a few things to say about John Calvin. That's because I'm supposed to write something about him for our local paper, the Amarillo Globe-News.

July 10th of this year will mark the 500th anniversary of Calvin's birth. So I called the paper and asked the editor of the op-ed page if they'd like to have something about Calvin's life and legacy. He said yes, and that they'd like to publish it in the Sunday paper for July 5th, since Sunday's paper gives a lot more room for opinion pieces.

So now I'm going back to the Institutes of the Christian Religion (I'd forgotten it was so long!) and T. H. L. Parker's wonderful biography. Now for my questions to you:

1. What absolutely, positively has to be a part of any 700-word biography of Calvin?

2. When it comes to sources, besides what I've mentioned here, what else should I be sure to read?


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Haven't read this but Robert Godfrey's new biography of Calvin was highly recommended on Kim Riddlebarger's blog at (if you do a search on his blog you'll find more books and audio links about Calvin). Also the newest issue of Modern Reformation several articles about Calvin (
    Best of luck to you. J in CA

  2. Thank you, J. I appreciate the information you've left here. Best regards.
