Monday, April 21, 2008

We Need the Word of God

. . . we shall never learn so much and be so perfect that need for the Word of God will not remain. For the devil never rests. Thus exhortation and the use of God's Word are needed everywhere. It is a living and powerful Word. But we snore and are lazy. It is the Word of life. But we are in death every day. And because we are never without sins and the danger of death, we should never cease to ruminate on the Word.

Martin Luther, Luther's Works, vol. 30, The Catholic Epistles (Saint Louis: Concordia, 1967), p. 219.


  1. Frank, thanks for sharing this. God is still speaking.

  2. Great quote.

    Seeking Shalom,
    Bobby Valentine

  3. Amen brother!
    I hope you had a great earth day too! :-)
    God bless the rest of your week.
    Kinney Mabry
