Monday, May 01, 2006

Top Ten Reasons to Study Biblical Hebrew . . .

Okay, so it looks like as early as the coming Fall semester, I might get to offer a section of Biblical Hebrew. If that happens (please, Lord) then I want to put together a flyer that names ..."The Top Ten Reasons to Study Biblical Hebrew."

Since this idea just hit me, I haven't had a chance to come up with more than one or two of my own ideas. Here's the best I've got so far . . .

1. Nothing clears your throat like a good "hchet"!

2. Rabbis make six figures.

3. It's God's first language.

Help! Suggestions?


  1. 4. It's what Einstein had in common with The Three Stooges!

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Not study Hebrew? How unorthodox!
    Shari Davis

  3. Saint Peter doesn't speak English!

  4. For those who like to start at the back of a book or magazine, you will be at home.

  5. Appreciate the accrostics in the Psalms just by learning the alphabet.
