Tuesday, May 22, 2007

N.T. Wright on Jerry Falwell

Jerry Falwell's funeral was today. Just yesterday, I came across a short article published last Thursday by N. T. Wright. It is, no surprise, Christian to the core. Check it out:

Notes on Falwell From Afar

"I'm afraid we in the UK have only heard distantly of Jerry Falwell. Most churchgoers in England won't have heard of him at all; nonchurchgoers will only have heard of him as a strange character who pops up from time to time when people are writing 'how weird can they get' articles in our newspapers shaking their heads over American strangenesses.

My own sense, having spent a lot of time in the States over the years, is that he was a classic of his type and with a lot more integrity than some of the shady characters in the religious penumbra. But, insofar as I know what he taught -- which I freely admit would be second or third hand -- he was saying some things which I strongly say myself but I think in a different framework, and some things which I strongly argue against (e.g. on the present state of Israel and prophecy).

Within the strange, large economy of God's grace, which filters the truth of scripture through all of us imperfect interpreters, it may be that I make just as many mistakes as I think he did, but we are each called to be true to what we find in scripture and I have no reason to suppose he was not as obedient to that imperative as I struggle to be.

May he rest in peace and, with the rest of us, rise in glory where we shall look back on present disagreements like an adult looks back on childhood squabbles in the playground."


Wade Tannehill said...

Love Wright's last sentence.

Agent X said...

I saw this article the other day too. And I gotta say, Wright says what I wish I would have said. And he says it well.

I would have been pretty hard on Falwell. I do not think he was much of a contributor to the Kingdom cause. But at least he knew and loved the name Jesus.

That is worth a lot, I have no doubt.

Jesus is Lord!

Royce Ogle said...

Beautiful, kind words from a good man. Wright is now the receptient of one man's admiration.

messianic gentile...I suppose your conclusion is correct depending on how one defines the "Kingdom". I am positive your view and mine are different.

Jerry Falwell led thousands and thousands to faith in Chirst. In my view few of his critics will have that said about them.

Grace to you,
Royce Ogle

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Wright is gracious indeed.

Bobby V